Saturday, October 3, 2009

Order is restored

For two weeks, Jay who sends out emails notifying us of rides on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday has been on vacation. Although he told us that someone else would send out emails during his time away, this did not occur. Jay was back from vacation and like clockwork the email letting us now about the Saturday ride. Order has been restored.

We did the two hills rides, one up to Mt. St. Mary College and the other up Mandyville Canyon. While at the top we spoke with a local resident. While I knew of one incident of a car stopping in front of a bike (on purpose) and causing a horrible accident, apparently there have been many accidents between cars and bikes. This is not the type of information that you want to hear before starting your descent.

The weather was perfect for biking today. It started out in the high 50's and never got that hot. It really makes biking much easier. During the cross country trip I always thought I was getting stronger as the weeks went by and now I realize that most of my improvement was due to the cooler weather in the later part of the trip as compared to the first week in the desert.
Harry sent out an email to the Dalton Gang plus 1 (that would be Willie) letting us know that he is biking around town. Apparently it is very cold. Alec, Karen and myself let Harry know that the weather has been quite hot in California the prior week. I remember Harry telling me during the bike trip that he was training at night and that he looked like a Christmas tree while biking. I am not sure about that, but he does kind of look like a crossing guard.

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