Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today was a beautiful day to bike. It started out in the 50's in the morning and it was a nice cool morning. A lot of gradual uphills today as well with Nichols Canyon 3 mile uphill and then down to Muholland through to Sepulveda Blvd. (google to find the route).

Harry who cannot use a computer, but apparently is adept at using his blackberry has sent a few photos from the bike trip.

Below is a picture inside Tumblin Stumblin Joe's in Liberal, Kansas. The Dalton Gang resulted from the drinking in this establishment.

Most people take pictures of the beautiful scenery to let them know that they traveled across America. Harry had a little different idea.

Willie and I in a bar in Erie, PA. He looks a little scary to me.

Outside a convenience store in Upstate, NY, Harry wondered how long it would take to drink his way from one end of the truck to another. My answer would be 7 weeks which coincidentally is the time it took us to bike across America.

This picture below was taken on Day 47 in Vermont. Alec was not feeling well this day, but he make it to the hotel. Unfortunately, he could not bike the two days remaining in the trip as he felt ill. However, he is fine now, spent alot of time in Europe and seems to not like the fact that it snowed 4 inches today in Tahoe.

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