Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hot !!!!!!!!!!

Today Jim and I met up at Santa Monica. Nancy from XC09 has been riding down the coast from Oregon and we decided to bike up to Malibu and meet her as she was biking from Oxnard, CA and heading south towards Malibu on her way to Marina Del Rey. We ate at Malibu Seafood which is across the street from the Pacific Ocean and which you can see from your table (you eat at picnic tables which are outdoors)
In front of the menu and Jim and Nancy at Santa Monica (I had already left for home)

We talked about our fellow XC09 and Nancy's many adventures over the past year. Believe it or not she is planning to bike cross country next year with her daughter. She is going to take the Northern route. If I ever have the chance to bike cross country that is the route I would like to try.

After our lunch we biked back towards Santa Monica. One final farewell and I biked home. Today was one of the hottest days that I can remember. I live in the Valley and it was probably over 100 degrees for the last 10 miles of my ride today. Lots of cold water and lemonade upon my return home.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hello Darkness my old Friend....

Each day the sun rises later and sets earlier. That means less day light to commute to work. I am riding 4 days a week, but this will most likely be changing soon.

One thing that does not change is my inability to change my tire and tubes. I am still struggling and still puncturing tubes. I am not a bike mechanic.

This week I will ride over 300 miles. The most miles in a week this year. I have achieved my goal for miles ridden this year and still have a few more months to go.