Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dear Mr. Car

Dear Mr. Car

A bicycle has the same rights as a car.  Please bear this in mind when:

1) You make a left hand turn at a light and a bike is coming straight through the light.  The bike does have the right of way just like a car.

2) When you are riding behind me and the traffic is stopped at a light and you are beeping at me because I am slowing down to stop at the light and you want to be one car in front of me even though the light is still red and you have no place to go.

3) You decide to  make a right hand turn and do not signal and I almost crash into the back of you.

4) You decide to go from the left hand lane to the right hand lane and almost hit me.  You wave to me to apologize for almost hitting me, but somehow I do not think that absolves you of poor driving.

Your Friendly neighborhood bicyclist.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


While I enjoy the riding it has been a little difficult as I have ridden with no bike goal this year. 2 years ago it was cross country. Last year it was the death ride. Having said that I continue my riding on the weekends and my commute to work.  This week I hit the 4,000 mile mark. I feel it has been an easy 4,000 miles as not as much climbing as the last two years.

As most of the persons who follow my blog know, Harry has joined Barbie for her remainder of the journey she started with us in 2009. 

Ofcourse Harry coould not go without 1 and 2 and Boston. He even had some bottles from the death ride.