Saturday, May 2, 2009

Too much thinking

Today I am posting from the netbook (thank you Damien). The keyboard is a little smaller than my notebook so I keep on typing in the wrong keys. It is taking more time to update.
Hopefully, I will get better.

Before we went I was taught how to remove my back tire without touching the chain so that my hands will not get dirty. Not sure if I can do it as quick, but at least I know how to do it.

The group decided to head to Trancas. As I want to start tapering down and Bennett needed to go back (hope you found your barbecue set) early I went back with him. Jay, Mitch, Mara and Linda continued on towards Trancas. Jay and Mitch - Thanks for inviting me into your group. I learned a lot from the two of you. I will see you in a few months after I return.

I left Bennett at Topanga Canyon Blvd. and took that route (mostly uphill, not too steep ) for 9.5 miles. A right on Ventura Blvd. and home. Total miles today was 65.

The only issue is that there is so much time to think in the next week, Am I really ready for this ? (Yes I am !!!), be careful not to get into an accident (including when I drive my car), the excitement that it is so close (making me wake up early and worry). I am sure that once I get on the bike I will be fine, but as Mr. Petty say "the waiting is the hardest part"

Tomorrow is laundry day. Yuko is going to teach me how to wash my clothes while I am on the road. I am sure that everyone on the bike trip will appreciate my clean clothes.

1 comment:

  1. You had better watch out, Ira. When you get home, Yuko will expect you do to the laundry!

