Saturday, December 5, 2009


The temperature has turned a little cooler this week. I am now biking in long pants and a wind breaker. I biked about 68 miles today.

This week's birthday is our good Dr. George. He was very smart. He pretended to be a slow rider until he obtained the privilege of leaving 30 minutes earlier than the rest of the group (with Magic Mike). each morning. He used his time wisely to pedal out and eat a good breakfast.

Below is a picture of George waiting for the rain and thunder to stop on our Missouri roller day.

And a video:

1 comment:

  1. That's a great shot of George with his feet up. The crossed feet and cleats remind me of the famous shot of Adlai Stevenson with the hole in the sole of the shoe...Happy BD George...
    And if it is any consolation I'm now dressing in layers - including a winter pair of tights and warm long fingered gloves...and we had about 2 inches of snow Saturday night!. On the other hand I hit the 5K mark on Friday - felt good.
