Sunday, January 10, 2010

Same hotel, differrent season

I am back to work and this is my busy season so not much bike riding the last few weeks.
Harry had always told me he had a house out in the country. Could this be it ?
No, this is not his countryside home, it is Caernafon Castle which he visited prior to the end of last year. While there Harry found a lock for my bike:
Can you identify where the picture below was taken. It was sent to me by another XC09.
The end of the long journey.


  1. It is still too cold for me to ride outside. Glad I don't have to deal with the snow.

  2. That last pic looks like my front yard as we arrived home from our Florida trip...we went from complaining about temps in the 30s to 11 degrees yesterday morn...needless to say the indoor trainer got a workout.
