Monday, April 25, 2011

Waving and Paving

During the cross country trip I got into the habit of waving to vehicles on the other side of the road. Two years later I am still waving, but it is to bicyclists. In my unscientific study, it appears that LA bicyclists are either not as friendly as those in the Midwest or their eye site is not as good as there is not as much waving back.

I had heard that one of the roads that I bike up had been paved. Yesterday I climbed up (not sure if climbing is the proper word as it is more of a steady incline). What a difference a newly paved road makes as it took less time to climb and it was more enjoyable.


  1. Here in Texas, everyone waves!

  2. Was thinking of your post today. Beautiful day, lots of cyclists out on the NJ roads and I waved to all - plus a few joggers as well. I'd guess that I got an 80% response rate. Only a few "Look at me, I'm too cool to wave" types.
