Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quarterly report

Given that my job is focused on quarterly reports, below is my report for the 3rd quarter of 2011.

I bicycled 3,485 miles in the quarter. I was aided by seasonably low temperature and extra sunlight. Year to date I have biked 27% more miles than last year.

During the quarter I took a business trip to Amsterdam. A few pictures:

The current quarter has started very well and I am on pace for a little over 1,000 miles this year.
I enjoyed reading my fellow XC09 riders blogs. I was particular happy that Bob continued his long distance riding, Hank enjoyed his new roommate, Al's  blog was as funny as ever, Champ enjoyed the history along the route and Jim biked at the back of the pack.
Tom D- If you are reading this I really like the nickname for me on your blog.


  1. Jim biked at the back of the pack? Yeah, sure he did....And the moon is made of blue cheese.

  2. Glad you liked it. I thought it fit you, especially since your quarterly total is just 400 miles short of my YTD mileage. See you at the pier on Mother's Day in 2012.
