Thursday, September 13, 2012

Been a long time

I actually could not ride my bike for a month from mid July to Mid August so not much to blog about as not much biking going on. I  really missed not riding and it took me about a week to get "back in shape".

I was riding along and one of my Saturday morning riders asked me if I ever thought about riding cross country again and my response was "Every day". By coincidence when I was riding home the same day I was reminded of one of our fellow XC09 riders. He visited a lot of first responders in every town we stopped in any many of those places were fire stations. He once told me he never saw a "live" Dalmation at any of those fire stations. The picture below is for him:

The picture below is for another cross country rider who once rode with his Dog. This reminded me of him.  Check out that passenger's sunglasses.


  1. Hey, Ira! How are you bearing the heat? We're getting the summer we didn't have. Much cooler by the beach.

    I like your response, "Every day." Me, too.


  2. In the morning it is not that bad. When I commute home in the evening it is really hot. Today (Saturday) I did a quick 50 miles and was done by 10:30.
