Saturday, March 6, 2010


The first commute to work by bike this year. I forgot how much I enjoy getting to work that way. It really refreshes and is a great way to start the day.

It was supposed to rain on Saturday, but Yuko looked out the window and the weather looked fine. We biked a few hours and as we were hungry we stopped by at our house to eat. We were going to continue our ride, but 15 minutes later it started raining so that was it for our ride today.


  1. It's been a wet winter this year with most of the rain coming on the weekends. Luckily, being retired, I've been able to ride weekdays, between the storms. March is usually the end of the rainy season. We will soon be in Gray May and June Gloom. Do you remember how excited we were last year at this time getting ready for our big ride?

  2. I can't wait to start my commutes to work again but right now its all about miles in prep for May 20, ABQ to IL. Glad to know your OK and still on your bike.

  3. Jim,

    Yesterday was a great day to bike. Rode to Pasadenda again.
    Yes. I remember how excited we were last year. I am sure that Tracy is sending out her weekly updates to everyone about now.


    Good to see that you are working for your ride. I have not seen any posts lately so I was a litte worried about whether you were training or not.
