Saturday, March 27, 2010

15 pounds

15 pounds is how much the bag of rice I buy weighs. I buy it, attach to my bike and then ride 15 miles. Rocky Balboa had some old school and unusual training techniques and I guess I do as well.

This week the weather cooperated and I rode my bike to work most of the week.

Remembering back to that bicycling article on 101 reasons you know you have ridden your bicycle a lot. I have 1 to add: Knowing that the car in front of you is going to make a right hand turn even though they do not turn on their right hand blinker.

Enjoyable moment of the week: The traffic light was flashing red, which caused traffic to be backed up for a quarter of a mile and i just biked right by all of the stopped cars.

The weekend weather was in the 80s and was a little hot with the sun. However, it has been nice to be able to bike almost every day. I am feeling a little stronger, but my conditioning is well behind last year's pace.

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