Saturday, April 3, 2010

Question & Answer

Question: Based on training I have done this year, am I am good enough shape to ride cross country ?

Answer: I do not think so based on today's ride (described below). It reminded me a little of some of our rides in Arizona, except it was cooler and the wind was against us for about 40 of the 64 miles.

Saturday, April 3 - 8:00 a.m. CANYON LAKES TRAINER (64 mi - 4800 ft.). Starting near Magic Mountain, we head up to and around Bouquet Lake, Lake Elizabeth, Lake Hughes and finally Castaic Lake. Four lakes in one day is no easy feat in Southern California. The climb up Bouquet Cyn is beautiful and not all that hard. Don’t be fooled – there’s another short hill before a break in Green Valley. It's one more short hump over the top of San Francisquito before the long downhill to the backwaters of Castaic Lake. Don’t be fooled again – there is the climb to “Calvary” before we finish with a flat run along the freeway back to the start.

Maybe not in as bad as shape as I thought. I recovered and rode 56 miles today.

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