Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have not been biking as much as last year. Part of the reason is that on a few of weekends it has rained and that is when I usually do the majority of my miles.  Still, I am up to 1,500 miles for the first 3 months of the year which still puts me on a pace to bike around 6,000 for the year.

Last weekend I went on a business trip to Cologne, Germany.  The business part of it is 2 days and the travel portion s 2 days.  Surprisingly, not much jet lag as it was such a short trip my body never adjusted to the time difference.  Oh, and a lot of coffee drinking does not hurt.

A view of the Cathedral from the front and the back. 

In crossing the bridge from one side of Cologne to the other side,  you notice that people who get married affix these locks to the fence (below the picture of the train) with their names. As you can see this stretches the full length of the bridge.

The Rhine is a river that flows from Grisons in the eastern Swiss Alps to the North Sea coast in the NetherlandsAn overview of the Rhine River

Rhine River, Cologne another view
Rhine River, Cologne

1 comment:

  1. One day, I am going to be like you and have that many miles on my bike.
